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08.23.00 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Alexis is surprised by the press. Recap:True to Lucky's belief, Liz didn't remember anything about the night before--including his words of love and their kiss. Helena was confident that her attempt on Chloe's life couldn't be traced back to her, but she still wanted to be far from Port Charles. Tony planned to move up Chloe's treatment to get rid of her tumor. When Stefan was informed about Chloe's impending treatment, he vowed to stop it because it would render Chloe useless to him. While Alexis tried to field questions about Sonny's case, the press attacked her about being "Eddie's Angel." Ned watched in horror as Alexis was questioned on television. AJ went to the Brownstone to taunt Carly about Sonny. AJ was convinced that once Sonny was convicted, Michael would be back with AJ. Liz only recalled drinking the bottled water and nothing after that and she worried that something bad had happened. Lucky assured her that she had nothing to be embarrased about and told her that

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