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08.30.00 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Ned rocks the house. Recap:Liz told Emily how Lucky came to her rescue when Zander showed up and related how nice it had been to wake up in Lucky's arms after the night she was drugged. The girls shared how scary the memory-erasing drug was and Emily tried to tell Liz that maybe something similar happened to Lucky without breaking her promise to him. Liz guessed that Emily knew more about Lucky than what she was saying. Before his concert, Ned was a tyrant on stage and Nikolas and Juan speculated on how to calm him down since Alexis wouldn't show up due to the "Eddie's Angel" publicity. Ned told Juan that he was the opening act, causing Juan to panic. Gia showed up backstage and demanded that Nikolas tell the security guards to let her in. Taggert took Hannah to a private beach to have a romantic picnic and some time alone. Stefan gloated that his latest manipulations would infuriate his mother. Tony wondered what happened to Chloe since she didn't show up for the treatment she

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