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09.25.00 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview:Scott tries to reason with an irrational Luke. Recap:Liz shook Lucky after he went into another of his trances. Helena demanded that Andreas keep a close watch of Liz because she worried that Liz was going to interfere with her plan to destroy Luke and Laura through Lucky. Scott told Luke that the only reason he was taking the case was because of Laura. Taggert lost control at the hospital and shoved A.J. against the wall. Emily begged Zander to let her write to her family and he gave in, but reminded her that it couldn't be mailed. Jason got more information from the store-owner and then gave the man a bribe to ensure that he wouldn't give anyone else info about Zander or Jason. Scott tried to make Luke see reason, but Luke refused to take Scott on as his attorney. A.J. tried to use the Quartermaine name to get out of trouble, but Hannah made him understand that he was being obnoxious. Gia came back to the hospital with Nikolas to give Taggert a much-needed break. Nikolas then

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