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11.01.00 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Nikolas pays Luke an unexpected visit. Recap:Laura confronted Luke about his attempt on Nikolas's life. Luke tried to squirm his way out of it, but a furious Laura wouldn't allow it. Luke finally told Laura about Lucky's deep programming and though she was still upset, she was much more understanding. Nikolas paid Luke an unexpected visit and demanded that Luke leave him and Lucky out of his vendetta against the Cassadines. Laura was thrilled that evening when both her sons walked her home. Felicia noted Maxey's change in mood at her party and realized that she had a crush on Lucky. Lucas asked Tony why he didn't like Roy and Tony told him he just wanted his son to take things slowly with Roy. Tony gave Roy a half-hearted apology and said goodnight. Alexis continued to fret about the wedding plans and Ned tried to soothe her, but she suffered a panic attack anyway. He suggested that they hire a wedding planner to take care of all the details. Ned later asked Alan if he would be

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