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11.09.00 - Thursday

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General Hospital

Preview:Alexis is reduced to tears while looking at dresses Recap:Laura informed Luke that she was moving Lulu and Lesley back to PC. Luke told her that he didn't have any immediate money to give for child support. Laura felt bad for Luke, but was proud to tell him that she was making steps to become totally independent again. Mac knocked on Luke's door to warn him against making death threats and to advise him not to take the law into his own hands. Emily asked Liz to help her look at wedding dresses with Alexis. While waiting for Liz, Mac came into Kelly's and wanted to talk to Em about Zander. Mac didn't believe that Emily knew the whole truth about Zander. He believed that she made up the story about Sorel and Zander was going along with it to save himself. Emily stayed strong and told Mac that Zander was telling the truth. Alexis freaked out when she went to try on wedding dresses and the shopowner told her she would be there all day long. Liz and Emily finally arrived and watched

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