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11.17.00 - Friday

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General Hospital

Preview:Emily and Zander reach a new level of friendship. Recap:Felicia and Mac discussed parenting Maxie now that she was going through her difficult teen years. Mac worried that Maxie's crush on Lucky would hurt her in the end, but Felicia assured him they would get her through it. Hannah and Taggert had a romantic date in the kitchen baking holiday bread. While Tammy went to Alexis's shower, Luke went into the kitchen at Kelly's ready to cook. Felicia couldn't help but be charmed by his zest for the task. As he and Felicia playfully chatted, a fire started in the kitchen. Alexis was stunned to hear that Zander wasn't planning on testifying. She warned him that his erratic behavior wasn't going to help him save his life. Zander was shocked when Sonny showed up and displayed no sympathy or understanding for him. When Sonny swore that he could protect Emily, Zander changed his mind again about testifying. Emily was so ecstatic when Zander told her the news that she kissed him! Lucky an

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