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02.24.00 - Thursday

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General Hospital

Larkin warns Roy that his value to the FBI diminishes with each passing day that he fails to collect evidence against Sonny. Alexis explains to Sonny why a custody fight probably won't go his way. At the Quartermaine mansion, Edward reminds Carly that she can have anything her heart desires as long as she plays ball with her in-laws. Chloe returns to GH with Jax in hopes that her doctor will have good news for her. Revealing that the bone fragments are still impinging on her optic nerve, Tony recommends postponing surgery as long as possible because of the risk of having her blindness become permanent. Elizabeth assures Nikolas she has no problem working with him at L&B. Recalling the years of abuse he suffered at the hands of his stepfather, Sonny tells Alexis he'll move heaven and earth to ensure that his own child grows up feeling safe and loved. Marcus arrests Roy after catching him paying off the harbor master.

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