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03.07.00 - Tuesday

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General Hospital

Tony discloses to Chloe how her last CAT scan revealed the presence of a possible tumor near the occipital lobe. Nikolas rages at Stefan for allowing him to believe that his brother was dead. Mac tells Dara he's left Felicia. Meanwhile, Felicia tearfully informs her daughters that their beloved stepfather won't be living with them for a while. Hurt and angry, Maxie accuses her mother of driving Mac away. Stefan explains to his fuming nephew how he's been trying to bring Lucky home safe and sound. Luke and Laura compare notes and decide to team up to hunt for their son. As Tony schedules a biopsy for the next day, Jax consoles a shaken Chloe. Thrilled to learn that her nephew is alive, Bobbie puts aside her joy for a moment to counsel Felicia on how to salvage her crumbling marriage. After firing A.J., Edward appeals to Ned to once again come to the rescue of his family's corporate empire. Reeling from Nikolas' news, Elizabeth struggles to comprehend the fact that Lucky didn't perish in

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