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01.10.00 - Monday

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General Hospital

Laura tells Luke it's been like old times having Roy around the house. Bobbie berates Larkin for harassing Roy after finding the FBI agent in close conversation with her old flame on the docks. A miserable Hannah tells Elizabeth she lied to Sonny but never truly betrayed him. As the Quartermaines and their more refined guests stare in shock, an amused Sonny looks on while Carly loudly demonstrates just how crass and cheap she can be. Though A.J. makes a feeble attempt to rein in his wife, Carly gleefully begins insulting everyone in sight. Bobbie takes offense when Roy asks her to keep her nose out of his business. Elizabeth icily rebuffs Hannah's attempt to befriend her. Later, Elizabeth breaks the news about the bombing attempt to a horrified Audrey. After their guests scurry off into the night, an enraged A.J. warns his wife she's used up her last chance with him. Meanwhile, Ned and Chloe present Monica with an unusual proposition. A teary Felicia shows Luke the videotape she receiv

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