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06.07.01 - Thursday

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General Hospital

Preview: Melissa reveals the depth of her affection for Roy. Recap:Emily called Zander in the middle of the night and asked him to come over. Zander met her on the patio and the two embraced passionately. Monica found them locked together and discreetly interrupted. She wasn't angry, but she asked Zander to go home. Alone with Emily, she asked how far her relationship had gone. Emily didn't come right out and say she and Zander had sex, but she intimated that she was being careful. Monica disapproved of Emily having sex with anyone, but she ended up just telling Emily to make sure she was safe. Sonny woke up on a boat and realized from the bleeding wound in his side that he had been stabbed. He dreamt of a woman in white who asked him to come to her. When he woke up, the woman was sitting next to him and he realized that she wasn't just a dream. Bobbie visited Carly in the Penthouse to make sure her daughter was safe. She was stunned to hear that Carly still believed that she could win

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