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06.13.01 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview: Sorel finds Carly in the cemetery. Recap: Edward hired security guards to surround the mansion and make sure that Sorel and his men could not get to Emily. While Monica found the measures excessive, she did agree that Emily needed to be more careful. A commotion outside disturbed them all and Zander was dragged in by two of the security guards. Edward wanted them to take him away, but Emily's suggestion was that Zander move into the mansion where everyone could keep an eye on him. Zander told her that he wasn't going to do that despite her objections. On the patio, Skye slyly suggested that Emily and Zander should run away to be safe and to be together. Sticking to his and Ned's plan for A.J. to get closer to Skye, A.J. had a private moment with her where he commented on how alike they truly were. He surmised that it might be better for them to work together on being accepted into the family instead of working at cross-purposes. Skye contemplated his proposal and agreed that s

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