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07.06.01 - Friday

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General Hospital

Preview:Sorel corners Carly in the Penthouse. Recap:The fragile peace between Ned and Alexis died a quick death when he began berating her again for her dealings with Sonny and Carly. Exasperated, Alexis asked if he could please sing a different tune. She wondered when he had become so narrow-minded and judgmental, but Ned believed that her judgment was cloudy. When she passionately defended Sonny and her relationship with him, Ned hinted that her feelings for Sonny went deeper than she was saying. Alexis told him he was ridiculous and stalked away. In the park, Stavros told Carly that he was more than willing to divert her attention from her problems. He grabbed her and kissed her, but Carly slapped him and pulled away. Though he tried to make it seem as though she had wanted him, Carly assured him that nothing was further from the truth. Alexis saved her just in time and naturally, Stavros disappeared before she could see him. Helena upbraided Stavros for taking so many risky chances

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