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07.24.01 - Tuesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Liz watches as Lucky comforted Gia. Recap:Luke woke up in Laura's bedroom after Stavros cudgeled him on the back of the head. He called Felicia over to help him search for clues. He knew that one of Helena's men had attacked him from behind, but he hoped that they would have left some trail behind. They found footprints on the floor that had bits of gravel and tar embedded in them. Luke speculated that the gravel and tar probably came from Helena's lab. He raced to the hospital roof where he found a secret elevator. Alexis cornered Nikolas at the Cottage and was surprised to hear that not only had he broken up with Gia, but he was serious about returning to the Cassadines. She told him that she was there to support and protect him, but she didn't agree with his decision. Stefan came in and echoed her sentiment and Nikolas blew up at them both. He accused them of constantly poisoning his mind against his grandmother and demanded that they leave. Alexis warned him that whatever s

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