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01.22.01 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview:Sonny tells Lily about his love for Carly. Recap:Liz wanted to go with Lucky on his search for Emily, but he wanted her to stay in Port Charles. Lucky didn't want her to miss her photo shoot for the Face of Deception campaign. He thought that his mother might be disappointed and he asked Liz to stay for the sake of Laura's happiness. She eventually agreed, but made him dance with her before he left. Carly was dismayed when Sonny said he wasn't going home with her because he had a private errand to run. She used every ploy she could to at least get him to take her with him, but he refused. At home alone, she fretted to Johnnie and later to Alexis when she crossed the hall. Alexis helped Carly to realize how lucky she was to have love with Sonny and that calmed Carly down. Sonny visited Lily at the cemetary to tell her that he remembered seeing her when he nearly died. Though he didn't remember the specifics of what happened, he remembered that Lily was happy and at peace. He wan

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