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09.10.01 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview: Lucky plants a trap for Stavros. Recap: Sonny and Jax nearly came to blows during Chloe's memorial service as Sonny berated Jax for not protecting his woman. Carly tried to step in to tell Sonny about Angel's connection to Jax, but Sonny brushed her off. After seeing Angel smirk at her, Carly went into Sorel's memorial room to confront her rival. Taggert and Mac secretly listened as the women exchanged barbs. Their attention was piqued when Angel told Carly that she saw what she did the night that Sorel was murdered. Unfortunately for the cops, nothing more was said than that. Still, Taggert questioned Carly, who didn't have a plausible alibi for the night of the murder. In response, Carly pointed the finger at Angel, suggesting that Angel was trying to frame her in order to steal Sonny. Carly was stunned to learn that someone else had witnessed her at General Hospital on the fateful night. When A.J. later taunted her about soon getting custody of Michael, Carly realized that

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