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10.12.01 - Friday

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General Hospital

Preview:Kristina tries to make peace between Ned and Alexis. Recap:Luke remained fixated on his relationship with Laura, and he asked her if they could work on finding their way back to each other. Laura told him that she would always love him, but that they had both moved on with their lives, and it needed to stay that way. Luke reminisced about movies they had watched in the past, and he remembered his love for bad horror films. He said he had seen a particularly scary film recently that took place in a modern-day lab. Suspecting that he was referring to Helena's lab, Laura asked him if he could draw it. He attempted to draw her a map, but it was a mess that she couldn't understand. Scott confronted Bobbie at GH and asked if she had seen Laura. Bobbie confessed that Laura was with Luke, which completely dismayed Scott. He started insulting Luke and his crazy behavior, until Bobbie reminded him that he was talking about her very ill brother. Bobbie softened when Scott admitted that he

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