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11.07.01 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Helena brings Lucky in to end the games. Recap:Luke burst into the bower that Stavros had recreated for Laura, and he taunted Stavros about his inability to hold onto her. When the two started to physically fight, Luke yelled for Laura to run. Because Luke was so weak from his illness, he wasn't able to overpower Stavros, so Laura refused to leave him. She begged Stavros to spare Luke's life, but his fury knew no bounds. He raged that Laura chose Luke over him, and he declared that it was all coming to an end immediately. Helena had Bobbie brought to her in order to coerce Bobbie into telling her where Luke was. Bobbie scornfully replied that even if she knew where Luke was, she would never tell. She also warned Helena not to underestimate the Spencers. Stavros stormed into the room and told his mother to finish her plans for everyone. Nikolas gave Gia instructions on how to get out of the maze, but she was reluctant to leave him. He told her that she needed to bring back help,

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