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11.29.01- Thursday

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General Hospital

Recap:Nikolas dreams about trying to save Stavros. When Nikolas awakens, Gia comforts upset Nikolas, and Nikolas probes Gia about his father. Nikolas asks Gia to divulge any noticeable similarities between father and son, but Gia can only admit that she liked the man Stavros portrayed. Nikolas takes off his father's ring, and he enters the Cassadine maze and discovers that he is not alone. Suspicious Carly questions Zander about Sonny, but Zander covers, and Carly ultimately agrees to take Zander under her wing. Consequently, Zander reports back to Sonny and shares his victory. Sonny asks Alexis about her nervous behavior, and Alexis eventually opens up to Sonny about her family and past struggles. Sonny and Alexis end up sharing a few laughs, but Alexis spoils the party when she falls asleep. Meanwhile, Skye warns Jax about the new man in Edward's fold, Sonny. Skye sneaks onto Jax's private plane, and Jax takes her on an unanticipated ride. At the same time, Kristina asks Ned for a jo

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