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04.09.01 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview:Sonny and Carly had a major battle. Recap:Luke triumphed over Helena when he refused to give her the disks. He reminded her that the hounds of her family would circle if they learned that he had something that Helena would pay such large amounts for. He took the suitcase of money as a down payment on his silence. Laura was shocked when she saw the magazine ad naming Gia as the Face of Deception. She tried to tell the mag's editor that Gia wasn't the Face, but he told her that Gia would have been his first choice. Gia swore that she knew nothing about the ad. Felicia cried on Bobbie's shoulder about her relationship with Luke. Bobbie told her that instead of giving up, she should fight for what and who she wanted. Felicia showed up at the party and though she locked eyes with Mac, she walked away with Luke. Alexis was furious with Sonny for lying to her about Zander's whereabouts. She accused him of having a God-complex and told him that she no longer wanted to be associated wit

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