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04.24.01 - Tuesday

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General Hospital

Preview: Emily struggle's to break up with Zander. Recap:Laura blasted Helena for constantly interfering with her family and warned the Cassadine matriarch to stay away from her children. Helena never admitted that she was doing anything to Lucky, but she intimated that she could see to it that Laura knew what it was like to grieve for a dead child. At that point, Luke--who had been hiding behind the bar--jumped out and told Helena to stay away from all of them. He and Laura stood side by side even though Laura was shocked to see him. When they left the yacht, Laura asked Luke to try not to stir up trouble for their family. Lucky freaked out when Liz picked up the vial that Helena gave him. He told her it was a toxic chemical that he used to develop pictures. Liz thought he was overreacting, but promised to leave it alone. He told her that he never wanted to see her hurt. Lucky stopped by Bobbie's under the pretense of getting a room key. Bobbie wasn't there, but Tony went to look for

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