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05.07.01 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview:Alan comforts Rae as Monica looked on. Recap: Emily stopped Zander on the bridge and told him that she had been looking for him to tell him that she loved him. Zander was initially glad to see her and held onto her tightly. But he eventually asked what changed her mind and she admitted her grandfather's blackmail scheme. Zander understood that she was being pressured, but he thought that she should have stood by him anyway. He reminded her that through everything, he had never lied to her and the fact that she lied to him broke his heart. Carly and Roy met in the stairwell to discuss the case against Sonny. Carly was relieved that the arrest had happened and gushed to Roy about the new life she and Sonny were going to have. Roy warned her not to jump the gun because the deal could still sour. When Roy got a call from Ford telling him that Sonny wasn't biting, Carly rushed to the police station. Felicia tried to distract Bobbie from worrying about Lucas and Roy by giving her a m

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