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07.01.02 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview:Edward plays Skye. Recap:Sonny and Carly's nuptials are rudely interrupted when Marcus and his men barge in with a search warrant. At the blues club, Alan grouses to Skye about Monica's old flame coming back to town. Scott icily reminds an irked Luke that Laura will always be a part of his life. Frightened by the flames, Lulu tries to escape but finds the door blocked. Jason gets hauled in for questioning in the wake of a lethal encounter at the River Rat bar. As Sonny vows to make Marcus rue the day, the detective slaps the cuffs on his unwilling host, provoking Carly into an attack which results in her own arrest. Edward advises Skye to show some restraint and cooly plot her revenge upon Jax. A weeping Maxie phones Luke to report that Lulu is trapped in a fire. Meanwhile, Scott races up to the garage attic and searches frantically for the Spencers' little girl. Sonny asks Alexis to represent Carly. Edward dangles a carrot in front of his granddaughter in hopes of landing a pa

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