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07.08.02 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview:Jason rescues Liz from the Crypt Recap:Jason plays the hero for Elizabeth and rescues her from inside the crypt. However, before he can help Zander, the crypt explodes. Carly decides to come clean to Sonny about embezzling funds from the club in order to pay for her fertility treatments. However, Alexis threatens to ruin her chances with Sonny by letting him know about Carly's potential deal with Alexis' ex-law firm. The two end up arguing about their own plans for Sonny but then back down in hopes of maintaining the status quo. A.J. and Courtney survive a car accident and afterwards, A.J. tries to force her to leave him in order to protect her. She refuses to do as ordered and when the police arrive, she tries to save him from the long arm of the law. Though Felicia warns Roy that Pier 52 is only going to cause him trouble in the future, he refuses to back away from the purchase.

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