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08.05.02 - Monday

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General Hospital

Zander swears to Elizabeth he had nothing to do with the explosion at the warehouse. Meanwhile, Roy comes to and begins a frantic search for Felicia, who emerges unscathed through the rubble. Alexis arrives and is horrified to see her sister lying in a bloody heap beneath a twisted beam. Unaware of the drama unfolding on the docks, Ned tells Alan he's confident he can win Kristina back. Mac delivers bad news to Sonny, then orders him to come to the station house to answer questions about the bombing. Jason, Roy and Zander work together to extricate Kristina from the debris as Alexis anxiously looks on. Later, Jason accuses Roy of setting the bomb and a fight ensues. As Zander pulls a gun, Jason lunges for it and a shot rings out, catching Elizabeth in the arm. At the ER, Alexis reels to hear Kristina murmur Carly's name. Scott warns Sonny he'll fabricate evidence if he must in order to put the mobster away for murder. After tending to Elizabeth's flesh wound, Jason promises Zander he's

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