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08.28.02 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Sonny blames A.J. for Courtney's stripping. Recap:Laura's frantic call for help unnerves both Nikolas and an eavesdropping Scott. Though Luke tries to convince her that making contact with loved ones isn't safe, Laura angrily insists on seeing her children. Jax asks Alexis for her professional help saving his family from bankruptcy. As A.J. stares in shock at a cavorting Courtney, Sonny icily reminds him that he drove his wife to such degradation. Trying to reassure an agitated Nikolas, Lucky theorizes that his father is actually trying to protect Laura. Meanwhile, Scott orders Marcus to put out an APB on Luke. A.J. interrupts the strip show and tries to pull his wife off stage but gets booted out the door instead. Later, Jason erases Courtney's debt and helps Sonny's devastated sister back to her apartment. Ned advises Jax to lie low and let his mysterious enemy take Sonny down instead. Jason keeps mum when Courtney bitterly accuses him of bringing A.J. to see her strip. A dru

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