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12.02.02 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview: Jax angrily confronts Skye about accusing Brenda of murder. Recap: Courtney blames herself for Jason's most recent legal trouble but he assures her she has no reason to feel guilty and that his brother would do anything to see him locked up. A hysterical Alexis lashes out at Sonny as baby Kristina takes a sudden turn for the worse and they take her away. At the police station, Scott suggests to Brenda that she claim self-defense and confess to killing Alcazar. Jason explains to Courtney about the accident which left him brain damaged and how Sonny was the only one who treated him like a normal person. Thus giving him his life back. When Brenda continues to stonewall, Scott plays hard ball and reminds his suspect how she publicly threatened to murder Luis and she angrily informs Scott and Taggert of everything Luis had done to her. Offering to pay the call girl for her time, Luke brings Summer back to the blues club, then clears out the rest of the patrons on a whim. Dr. Navarr

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