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02.12.02 - Tuesday

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General Hospital

Recap:Laura questions the validity of Luke's dangerous predicament after the capture of another spy message. Carly overhears Jax tempting Zander with a five million dollar proposition that would allow Zander to get back at Sonny, and Carly threatens to tell Sonny. Ned assures Skye that he will destroy her relationship with Jax unless she signs the CEO post over to Edward, and Jax discovers Skye secretly investigating Ned's connection to Jax. Melissa attempts to convince Roy of the moral correctness of her mercy killings, but Roy refutes Melissa's argument and maintains that she must turn herself in for taking God's law into her own hands. At the same time, Bobbie studies the evidence on Melissa, and Bobbie accuses Melissa of murder. Crumbling, Melissa recites chapter and verse of the mercy killings as Taggert arrests her. Taggert probes Nikolas and Gia about Elizabeth, and afterward, Gia and Nikolas do their best to muddy the waters by bombarding Elizabeth with their version of the acc

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