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02.28.02 - Thursday

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General Hospital

Recap:Laura finds Luke unconscious, and she begs him to wake up so they can get married. When Laura finds out that Luke played possum, Laura screams, and the resulting rumble sends Laura and Luke scurrying to find an exit to the tunnel. Another slide traps Laura and Luke, and Luke ends up slipping a ring on Laura's finger as they wait to be rescued. Still in jail, Felicia and Roy learn that the Sheriff is in cahoots with Jennifer. Jax manages to sneak into AJ's, and Courtney conks him on the head, demanding to know why he hunted her down. Jax boasts about his detective skills, and he warns Courtney not to trust AJ. AJ returns and puts on his "good guy" act in front of Courtney and his "tough guy" act in private with Jax, but Jax continues to doubt AJ's intentions. Kristina and Ned find a love nest at the cabin, but Edward barges in wanting help. Realizing he's intruded on the couple, Edward starts to leave, but Big Alice informs Edward that the car won't start and that they will have t

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