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03.07.02 - Thursday

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General Hospital

Recap:Sonny probes Elizabeth about the accident, but Elizabeth remains true to her recited recall. Alexis gives Carly a nasty reception at Sonny's, and Sonny rubs salt in Carly's wounds when he orders Carly's departure so that he can talk with Alexis. Sonny confides to Alexis that he believes Courtney, and he asks for Alexis' advice, while Carly returns to her club to prepare for a stupendous opening. Meanwhile, Courtney expects to meet AJ at the boathouse, but instead Courtney finds Jax. Courtney questions why Jax told Sonny about her hiding place at AJ's, and Jax warns Courtney not to fall prey to manipulating liars. Sonny's goons delay AJ's meeting with Courtney, and Skye arrives, pretending to cry into AJ's shoulder so she can snag his cell phone. When the police arrive, Skye demands that they arrest Sonny's men, now busily filling the tires of AJ's car with air. However, Taggert replies that he can't arrest people for "menacing attitudes." AJ screeches away in his car to the boath

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