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03.13.02 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Sonny's anger mounts in reaction to seeing AJ with Courtney, and Alexis helps Sonny control his temper. Sonny grows further frustrated after Courtney refuses Sonny's dance request. Observing the tense moment, Ned suspects that AJ has signed a death warrant for taunting Sonny. Meanwhile, Courtney arouses Taggert's suspicions when she lashes out at Gia for causing the accident, and Nikolas darkens when Sonny also accosts Gia. Carly, Alexis and Bobbie corner Courtney in the Ladies Room to warn Courtney about AJ's manipulating ways, but AJ counters with a passionate kiss. Lulu barrages Laura with questions about the wedding, and Elton offers Laura a few offbeat ideas, but Laura maintains that she wants a magical wedding. Felicia, Luke and Roy bust Maxie when her underage friend, Cody, tries to buy alcohol. Luke shares the news with Roy that he intends to remarry Laura, and Luke receives a Valentine from Helena. As a result, Luke visits Helena in her cell, and Helena collapses.

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