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01.10.03 - Friday

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General Hospital

Preview: Sonny confronts the person who killed Alcazar. Recap: Peering through the window at Kelly's, Jason witnesses an angry encounter between Courtney and an irate Elizabeth, who proceeds to smack the crap out Courtney and attempts to do it again. As Ned gets dressed, Alexis icily informs Faith she saw them having sex on the Elm Street pier. Brenda tells Marcus about the armed man in the dark overcoat who was loitering outside Alcazar's room, and suggests he take a look at the tapes from the other floors surveilance cameras. Meanwhile, Ric hastily covers when Carly finds him stashing his coat in the furnace below Kelly's. In South America, Ric's lover explains to Sonny why she's so certain he killed Alcazar to retaliate for being imprisoned. Alexis warns Ned she'll fight dirty if he ever tries to see baby Kristina again but he counters with an ominous threat, saying he'll reveal her dirty secrets if she pushes him, which rocks his former fiancee back on her heels. Courtney reminds

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