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09-01-2010 (#12133)

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General Hospital

Agent Bates cautions Brenda that she is being followed. Lucky tells Sam and Jason that they have to move quickly. Carly tells Lulu that she only did this for her, cause she loves her. Diane calls Dante as a character witness on Sonny's behalf. Matt tells Lisa that she doesn't look one bit sorry for what she did to Robin's marriage. Lucky causes a diversion so that Jason and Sam can slip out the back way. Claire is angry when the judge allows bail for Sonny. Carly twists everything around to make Brook Lynn look bad and tells her she's fired from the Metro Court and to move out of the loft across the hall. Patrick worries after talking with Matt that Lisa will file charges. Sonny calls Carly from his plane, saying that Diane is bringing something for her and to meet at a certain place. Suzanne tells Brenda that she better watch herself or else she'll die. Dante realizes that Sonny jumped bail and calls and APB on him.

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