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08-05-2010 (#12115)

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General Hospital

Lucky arrives in Astoria hoping to locate Aiden. Elizabeth tells Nikolas that she wants to live at Wyndermere as a family. Carly contemplates Brook Lynn's blackmail threat and tells Jax that she was with Johnny last night. Johnny tells Ethan that Sonny will literally explode after continuing to seduce Carly. Sonny tells Max that Johnny will retaliate and is certain he'll kill him, Claire arrives and says that isn't a good idea. Spinelli tells Diane to do her best to postpone Jason's transfer back to prison. Ethan is unable to escape Epiphany, Tracy arrives asking if he's ready to go home. Carly tells Brook Lynn they can continue their agreement or she can go back to Bensonhurst. Ronnie can't seem to find Jason's transfer papers and asks Dante what he did with them. Helena tells her associate that maybe it's time to tell Nikolas that Lucky is the father and not him. Lucky tells Spinelli that he has no idea where to start, he gives Lucky the address of a house purchased recently under the name Karen Robertson. Dante tells Johnny he's gonna to come in for question for the murder of Tomas Lopez. Helena tells Nikolas and Elizabeth she's here because of the baby. Lucky watches as Karen brings Aiden home.

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