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General Hospital

When Todd shows up at the hospital he wonders why Carly never told him that her daughter was admitted. Dante wants to know if Lulu if physically fine. Molly learns from her sister that she has to film a marriage as in part of the television show and that it will be her own wedding. Starr is not sure what to do. Kate is upset about Joe's release from jail and suggests to Sonny that maybe they should take out Joe together. Todd tells Carly about Johnny being responsible for the death of a little girl. Kristina tells her sister about Trey's father being in jail and that the wedding will be annulled after it has been filmed. Dante comforts his wife after she breaks down about not being pregnant. Starr wants to know if Johnny is keeping something from Carly. Sonny makes a call and asks the person on the other end of the line to come and deal with Joe but not before receiving a visit from him.

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