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General Hospital

Julian and Luke talk and Luke tells him that he’s about to give Sonny a very bad day, thanks to his sister. Jordan shows up and manages to startle Julian. Julian insists to her that he wasn't talking to Luke after she quizzes him. Julian warns her that their boss is a dangerous man. Carly texts Sonny to tell him to stop contacting her. After Franco leaves, Bobbie demands the truth from her daughter about her relationship with Sonny. Bobbie thinks that she is playing with fire. Shawn shows up at Sonny’s office and tells him he’s been sleeping with Jordan for a few weeks. Sonny surprises him when he tells him about what happened with Carly. Nina objects when Sam shows up wanting to speak to Silas in private. Sam informs Silas that she needs to talk to him about Silas and Nina leaves. Silas and Sam are surprised to find $500 in cash in Rafe's wallet and wonder where he got it from. Sabrina surprises Patrick after she returns to town and she tells him she’s better and ready to return to work. Sabrina is shocked after he informs her that he was fired and learns the reasons why. Alexis runs into Ned at the hospital and he informs her that he and Monica kicked Tracy out of the house. Ned offers her some relationship advise. Nina and Franco bump into each other and she wonders whether he confronted Carly. They discuss her secret and he realizes she wants to blindside Silas the same way he tried to do it to her.

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