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General Hospital

Carly is unable to stop thinking about what happened between her and Sonny. Franco surprises her and she tells him hat she owes him a romantic evening. Dante and Nathan find the cabin empty but Levi’s partner stumbles out suddenly having been shot. Dante and Nathan get him to a hospital hoping he can tell them where Levi has taken Maxie and Lulu. Olivia and Ned talk about Coleman’s arrest. After Tracy shows up she insults Ned and Olivia and Ned tells her about the kidnapping. Carly and Franco show up and Ned informs them about the kidnapping. Carly wants to call Sonny but Franco wants her to allow Olivia to look after Sonny. Tracy leaves a message for Luke. Julian offers Sonny a truce. Sonny tells him that they won’t have peace until Julian is dead. Sonny receives a call from Olivia about Lulu after throwing Julian out. Lucy wants Scott to make a decision about her and Bobbie. Lucy puts Scott on notice after he reveals that he has not made his mind up yet and she warns him that he could loose both of them. Sonny and Olivia show up show up at the police station where Sonny assures Carly and Olivia that Dante will bring Lulu home safely. Ava gives Michael the killer chocolate mousse and she encourages him to eat up. Ava ends up having a change of heart and stops Micheal from eating the mousse after learning what Luke was planning on doing to her daughter. Julian returns home and Ava calls it a night. Ava tells Julian that she granted Michael a reprieve after he leaves with Kiki.

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