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General Hospital

Carlos admits to Sabrina that Ava caused the accident to show him what could happen if he didn’t take the blame for a crime he didn’t commit. Sabrina realizes the truth that he didn’t kill AJ and he admits it is true. Sabrina is determined to get justice for both Carlos and her son. Carlos wants her to move on with her life but she refuses. Carly watches Franco working at the hospital as she thinks about Sonny again. Franco sees her and realizes that something is concerning her. He thinks that she is worried about Lulu and she agrees. Franco tells her how much he loves her as they eat lunch together. Nina recognizes Ava after bumping into her but Ava attempts to leave and Nina stops her. They end up arguing about the past. Franco runs into Ava and she asks him again about the recording. After he refuses to get it for her, Ava tells him that Carly would rather be with Sonny than him. Sabrina shows up at the hospital and sees Ava. Kiki is shocked after she learns from Silas that he and Nina are moving forward together because she thinks it is too soon following his break up with Sam. Nina later tells Silas that there is no reason they can’t have a baby. Michael and Morgan go to see Sonny at his office, worried about Maxie and Lulu. Michael tells them about how uncomfortable his and Kiki's dinner with Ava was. Carly shows up as Michael and Morgan are leaving and informs Sonny that she and Franco are back on track and he can’t find out they had sex. Kiki hears everything after showing up. Peter gets ready to take Lulu and Maxie to his boss as the police show up and surround the cabin. Peter comes out with a gun pointed at Lulu and demands a helicopter and $100,000. Dante attempts to convince him to let one of hostages go. Peter promises to let Maxie go after the helicopter shows up. Lulu manages to elbow Peter and Dante shoots him. Lulu and Dante hug one another as Maxie looks for Nathan. A gas bomb then explodes and everybody passes out. Some men in protectiv

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