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General Hospital

Luke calls Julian so that he can get an update on their shipment. Luke makes excuses to Tracy after he gets off the phone who is feeling annoyed that he's claimed an office at ELQ without her approval. Tracy is surprised to see Ned who believes that she is making a mistake marrying Luke. Tracy believes that he should be happy for her but he thinks Luke is just after her money. Carlos reads AJ's death certificate over Michael's shoulder leaving Micheal wondering why he's so interested. Sonny receives a visit from AJ's ghost who taunts him. Duke promises Sonny that his secret is safe with him as Michael shows up. After both Duke and Michael leave Sonny is taunted by AJ's spirit once again. Shawn hopes that Jordan has had second thoughts about taking the job but she wishes that he'd just be more supportive. Carlos tells Ava about what happened with Michael. After Jordan shows up at the gallery to start work she tells Julian that she knows about his drug operation and continues that she can help him. Anna informs Dante they have a lead on AJ's killer as they have found the man who sold the murder weapon. He ends up picking out Carlos' picture as they person who purchased it. Ned wants Luke to agree to sign a pre nuptial agreement before he marries his mother.

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