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General Hospital

Ava doubles over in pain and passes out. As Shawn and Max debate what to do, she attempts to grab at Max’s gun. After being unsuccessful, she wants her spilled medication before they leave. Jordan shows up and is shocked by what she sees. Ava tells Jordan that Sonny will kill her after her baby is born. Jordan refuses to allow Shawn to leave with Ava. Shawn and Jordan clash. Sam finds it hard to believe that Jason has been gone almost two years. Sonny tells her that Jason would want her to be happy and move forward with her life. Somebody points a gun into Jason’s back and threatens to blow up the house with Sonny and Sam inside. Sonny receives an update about what is happening with Ava. Patrick gets Emma ready for bed. Anna shows up and can see that Emma is sad. Patrick wants to talk to Anna about the case he and Sam are working on. Sam shows up and informs them that Sonny doesn’t think Luke is responsible. After Sam leaves, Anna tells Patrick about what happened at the clinic. Patrick tells her about Robin being there. Franco thanks Carly for everything that she has done for him and wants her to know in front of everyone how he really feels. Franco surprises Carly by asking her to marry him. Scott lifts his glass to congratulate his son and Carly, whilst Kiki later demands some answers from Franco. Bobbie asks her daughter if she’s sure she’s through with Sonny. Robin pounds on her mother’s door, but Helena opens it instead. Robin threatens to call the police and Helena warns her that she can goodbye to Patrick and Emma if she does. Robin learns that Helena has captured Jason and he is being taken to a secure holding facility. Robin wonders what Helena wants from her and Jason and she informs Robin that she has some grand plans. Jason manages to escape. Ava calls her brother whilst driving Jordan’s car and leaves him a message.

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