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General Hospital

Dante and Lulu talk about Julian and Luke with Tracy. Dante wants Tracy to help them get in contact with Luke. Sam and Patrick decide they need to prove that Luke is Julian's boss as Alexis listens. Alexis tells them that Julian wants her back and she can use him to get the information they need. Sam refuses to allow her to do it. Sam and Patrick talk about how Alexis fell for Julian. Julian tells Jordan that Sonny won't be a problem for much longer. Jordan is upset that Kobe was going to kill Michael and Jordan reminds her it's his niece's boyfriend. Jordan leaves and calls Shawn, who then hangs up on her. Alexis goes to see Julian and asks him if he is working for Luke. Ava explains to Kiki that Morgan is protecting her because somebody wants to see her dead. She continues that it is Sonny and Kiki thinks that Michael could help. Ava ends up blurting out that Michael's the reason Sonny wants her dead. Ava then tells her daughter that she saw the person who killed AJ. Franco gives Carly a necklace. Sonny shows up to see Carly wanting to know why she agreed to marry Franco. The necklace Franco gave Carly videotapes her conversation with him. Franco fills Nina in on everything that has happened. Jordan manages to find Shawn and she warns him about the hit on Michael. Rosalie talks to Michael about Morgan and Kiki keeping a secret from him. Kobe shows up as Michael is getting changed and Rosalie quizzes him until he pushes her out of the way. Kobe aims his gun at Michael. Shawn shows up as Kobe is about to shoot Michael.

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