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General Hospital

Julian avoids answering so Alexis plays the Sam card. Julian then swears that he's not working for Luke. Things end up heating up between them. Sam and Patrick show up to tell Lulu about their suspicions regarding Luke as they explain what Spencer told them. Dante informs them that an undercover agent thought they heard Luke's voice on a call. Tracy receives a a text from Luke in Amsterdam, asking to meet him. Patrick decides that he and Sam are going with her. Sonny informs Carly that he is intends to neutralize Ava. Sonny isn't impressed by the necklace that Franco gave her. Michael and Kobe struggle with his gun as it goes off. Michael keeps Rosalie calm as Shawn deals with Kobe's corpse. Shawn calls Sonny. Franco and Nina watch Sonny pressuring Carly for a kiss after he turns on the video feed. Nina thinks that Franco is crazy. Sonny and Carly show at Michael's where they are learn what happened. Ava explains to Morgan and Kiki that Sonny killed AJ. Kik ends up accusing Ava of killing AJ herself after they fail to believe her. Ava tells them that Carly knows the truth as well.

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