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General Hospital

Julian attempts to stop Alexis from leaving when she tells him she has a date with Ned. Alexis receives a call from her daughter. Julian continues to insist that Luke isn’t his boss but Alexis refuses to believe him. Alexis tells him they are through and leaves. Sam suggests to Patrick they just share the hotel room. They end up sharing a bed after Patrick finds it impossible to sleep on the floor, Judge Walters stops by Maxie and Nathan’s table and they end up arguing. Ned joins Monica at her table and she tells him about her internet date. Olivia shows up and thinks they are on a date together. Monica arranges a second date with Judge Waters. Nina tells Silas that she was scared he would leave her and go back to Sam if he knew she could walk again. Elizabeth tells Jason that she had a son named Jake who died when he was just four years old. Carly opens the door and finds Franco is standing there. He wants to talk alone with Sonny about what’s going on with him and Carly. Carly insists that she is in love with him.

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