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General Hospital

Dante and the police discover Michael at the Corinthos compound holding a gun. He hides the gun and finds out that they are there to investigate Max's shooting. Michael tells Dante about Franco exposing Carly and Sonny's affair. Dante promises Michael that he will get justice for AJ after he tells him that Sonny killed him. Carly is furious with Franco for taking out his anger on her by hurting Michael. Franco defends his actions, due to the pain Carly caused him. Carly feels free because Franco now no longer has anything over her and tells him that she never wants to see him again. Scott and Bobbie stop Franco from following her. Kiki leaves Michael a voicemail asking him not to lash out. Heather points a gun at Kiki but she rushes off. After Carly shows up, Heather steps out into the open, aims the gun at her. Heather explains her escape and how Franco was giving her the opportunity to take a shot at her. Franco then shows up. Julian promises Alexis that he'll be a donor for Danny again if his cancer has returned. Silas promises to be there for Sam and Danny as he says sorry for allowing Nina to get between them. He tells her that Nina has a revenge list that included Kiki and Ava on it. A doctor gives Silas Danny's results and they're negative. Diane cries over Max and demands that Sonny tell her who shot him. Morgan wants Sonny to go easy on Ava but he refuses to make any promises. Ava tells Nina how she first met Madeline. Nina demands some answers from her mother. Ava makes Nina believe that Madeline has the police outside waiting for her and attempts to convince her to leave the baby with her.

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