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General Hospital

Dante learns from Nathan that he's had no luck finding Ben yet. Dante attempts to reassure Lulu that they will find him. Diane shows up at the police station to represent Britt and she reveals that Liesl sent her. Diane believes that Britt has done nothing illegal. After Dante refuses to release her, Diane leaves to get a court order. Lulu is upset when Diane returns with the court order. Sonny tells Shawn that Carly knows that he shot AJ. Nathan receives a visit from Sam and Silas and they show him the article they planted in the newspaper about Nakamura still being alive. Liesl shows Elizabeth a newspaper article reporting AJ's death and she becomes upset. Lulu shows up to see Elizabeth. Julian and Ava argue about who killed AJ. As he is about to show her the Nakamura article, Jordan shows up, looking for a job. Ava ends up offering her a job instead. After Jordan leaves, he shows her the article about Nakamura. When Jordan returns to Kelly's she tells Shawn and her son about her new job. Carly wakes up in bed with Franco feeling shaken about her memories of AJ telling her that Sonny shot him. Before Carly can tell Franco about Sonny killing AJ, Sonny shows up. After Franco leaves, Sonny wants to know what she is planning to do.

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