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General Hospital

Shawn and Sonny meet before the gala and Shawn informs him that Jordan will be sitting at their table for TJ’s sake. Sonny has decided not to go but Shawn attempts to convince him otherwise. Maxie is adamant about missing the Nurses' Ball and staying home with Levi. Spencer wants his father to ask Britt to come over but he insists that they’re through for good. Nikolas is impressed after he sees Elizabeth all dressed up. Lucy gets dressed backstage as Felicia shows up. Felicia asks her if things are over with Scott and Lucy says they are. Kevin overhears them talking and Felicia manages to cover. The guests walk along the red carpet as they show up for the ball. Olivia informs Dante that Sonny cheated ion her and Lulu goes after her while Dante asks him if it is true. Dante joins Lulu and Olivia at their table after Sonny admits the truth about what happened. Lucy welcomes everyone to the ball before introducing the first act. Liesl interrupts with a sexy cabaret routine, compete with nurses dressed in lingerie. Britt and Brad watch the ball together on television. Spencer thinks that he and his his father should go to the ball. Levi catches Maxie watching the red carpet and turns it off. Levi ends up suggesting they go to the ball after Maxie admits she misses not being there.

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