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General Hospital

Nathan returns home to find his clothes dumped outside the apartment and the locks changed. Nathan thinks that maybe Levis made the call to immigration himself which Maxie thinks is crazy. After Maxie tells Levi, there is a flashback to him making the call with Nathan’s phone. Nathan becomes determined to prove to Maxie that Levi is up to no good. Maxie tells Levi that she will go to Australia with him if he ends up being deported. Felix urges Elizabeth to fight for Nikolas. Spencer informs Cameron and Emma that he’s moving on with Joss but they didn't believe him even after he kisses her. Spencer tells Britt that he has a plan to break up his father and Elizabeth. Spencer reassures her that his plan will work. As Silas and Sam hug, Nina watches through the window. Nina then tells them that she has a confession to make but Sam and Silas ask her to tell them later. Silas is furious with Liesl for allowing Patrick to operate on Rafe. Sam and Silas argue again and she thinks he should take some time off work to grieve. Nina gets out of her chair to follow Sam and Silas to the roof where Sam urges Silas to think again about his decision. Nina listens as Sam tells Silas that Patrick admitted he thought about hurting Rafe, but couldn't go through through with it. Anna says sorry to Patrick for not identifying the driver of the car who caused the crash and wants to know why Rafe would want to have caused it. Anna asks him about Robin and asks if they’re getting a divorce. Liesl interrupts them and tells Patrick that Silas is thinking about going public with his accusations of malpractice. Sam urges Silas not to pursue a case against Patrick as Nina comes up with a plan.

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