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General Hospital

Scott goes to the police station where he asks Anna to tell him why there were drugs in Rafe’s system and she suggests that he asks his friend Julian. Bobbie encourages Lucy to believe the worst and she is out of her mind with jealousy. Lucy knows she has to work through things with Scott and believes that Bobbie should not be involved with him. Bobbie says that Scott is dating her and she intends to use all the tricks she learned in the past to make sure it stays that way. Scott shows up and finds them rolling on the floor and wants to know why Lucy came to see him. An upset Lucy just leaves. Olivia gets everybody looking for Spencer while Nikolas realizes that his son's phone tracker isn’t working anymore. Nikolas is concerned that he might have been kidnapped and Olivia leaves to check the security video footage. Spencer texts Britt to look under the chair. Nikolas then finds a note from Spencer that mentions breakup with Britt. Anna shows up after Nikolas calls her and takes a look at the note. Olivia returns with news that Spencer got into a taxi. Britt receives another text message from Spencer that he will send his location later. Nathan accuses Maxie of marrying to Levi to stop his deportation. Mac warns her immigration will investigate the marriage. Levi asks Mac and Felicia for their blessing but Mac refuses to give it as Nathan talks to Maxie. The press conference continues at the hospital where the reporters hound Patrick with questions about his statements intending to harm Rafe. Nina is pleased with the chaos she has caused. Patrick takes Sam to one side and she promises she didn’t say anything. Silas accuses Sam of believing Patrick over him after she confronts him. Sam believes what Silas did is unforgivable and he swears on his life he didn’t tell a reporter anything. He then leaves to take Nina home. Liesl tells Patrick that she has no choice left but to fire him. Julian confronts Jordan in the park and wants to know if she and Mickey are s

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