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General Hospital

Nina wonders what Sam wants as she is no longer seeing Silas. Sam wants to tell Silas something about Nina but it says that it doesn’t matter anymore. After Sam leaves Silas manages to pus Nina off him and goes to bed. Julian receives an ominous text from Mickey causing him to think about his earlier conversation with Alexis. He then sends her a text message to get out of the house. The blast sets off the propane tank from the grill and a fire spreads throughout the house. Julian shows up but another explosion knocks him out. After he recovers a firefighter informs him whoever was in the house is already gone. Julian then hears Alexis behind him and hugs her. She informs him that everybody is safe at Sam’s. Sam shows up and her father tells her to take care of Alexis. Franco is grabbed by two goons at the Metro Court. Shawn tells Sonny that Jordan is determined to sleep with Mickey. After he leaves, Carly shows up and tells him that Olivia verbally assaulted her. Olivia continues to drunk with Ned. Mickey plays the tape that reveals Jordan as an FBI agent and then points a gun at her and tells her it ends here. Jordan fights with Mickey and manages to get control of the gun. Julian shows up and shoots Mickey before Jordan can react. Franco is taken to Ava's apartment and she tells him that she knows Carly has a copy of the recording and she wants it. Ava promises him that if he gets her the recording she promises to remove Sonny from his and Carly's relationship.

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