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Ep. #8713

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One Life to Live

Tea tries to convince Todd that she never stopped loving him, but Todd has trouble believing what Tea has to say. Later, Tea realizes that Ross gave his life trying to save her and Todd. In a moment of passion, Todd lets his guard down and kisses Tea. Speaking of Todd, Blair and Starr confide in each other that they actually miss him. Meanwhile, Allison tells Roxy that shes going to kill her, but Roxy tells Allison that she'll give her money not to. Allison tells Roxy that she'll take the money, but when Roxy calls Max for his monetary support, he hangs up the phone. Elsewhere in Llanview, Shawna and Molly continue to find humor at Rae's expense, but Renee comes to Rae's aid and invites her to stay at the Palace. Natalie's keys are found in Jen's room, prompting Sam and Jen to accuse Natalie of starting the fire. Christian later tells everyone that Natalie couldn't have started the fire because she was with him that night.

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