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Ep. #11085

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One Life to Live

Danielle tells Blair and Ta that her uncle confessing was the talk of the entire school. Starr asks Todd why he looks miserable after being cleared. John tells Natalie that she's gonna need her team to look over Blair's computer. Shaun tells Destiny why isn't she with Matthew when he's being brought home today. David surprises Matthew, Bo and Nora when he has the apartment decorated for a welcome home party. Natalie and John can't keep their professional life away from their personal one. Todd tells Starr that he has a way of dealing with Rick himself and the less she knows the better. Nora tells Bo she can tell that Matthew is furious with her for persuading Destiny to keep the baby. John asks Natalie she should've stayed when he asked.Ta sees that John didn't tell Natalie that Todd is Victor's real killer. Destiny asks Matthew if he's going to be a part of their baby's life. Roxy and Shaun see that David Vickers is the person they're looking for to help them save Fraternity Row.

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